Atkins library e-resources now offers the DSM Library which includes the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) .
A classification of mental
disorders with associated criteria designed to facilitate more reliable
diagnoses of these disorders. With successive editions over the past 60 years,
it has become a standard reference for clinical practice in the mental health field.
DSM Library is intended to serve as a practical, functional, and flexible guide for
organizing information that can aid in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of
mental disorders. It is a tool for clinicians, an essential educational
resource for students and practitioners, and a reference for researchers in the
In addition there is the DSM-5Handbook of Differential Diagnosis. This handbook should improve your skill in
formulating a comprehensive differential diagnosis by presenting the problem
from a number of different perspectives.
Also included is the DSM-5 Clinical Cases. Over 100 authors contributed to DSM-5 Clinical Cases. The cases in this ebook exemplify the mental
disorders categorized in the DSM-5 & are cross referenced to the DSM-5.