
Monday, October 20, 2014

Royal Society of Chemistry Journals celebration of National Chemistry week, Atkins Library would to highlight our Royal Society of Chemistry Journals.  The library owns the full collection of RSC journals containing 260K articles from 1841-2007, as well as current access to select titles from the RCS.

RSC is one of the premier publishers of scholarly articles on biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics.

Here are just a few RSC journal titles we offer:

Energy & Environmental Science - A journal linking all aspects of the chemical, physical and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science

Metallomics - A journal covering the research fields related to biometals.

Molecular BioSystems - Interfacing chemical biology with the -omic sciences and systems biology.

Nanoscale - A peer reviewed journal publishing experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry - The international home of synthetic, physical and biomolecular organic chemistry.

RSC Advances - An international journal to further the chemical sciences

The RSC journal collection is an essential part of any chemistry resource and Atkins library is proud to be able to bring this resources to the UNCC community.

Happy National Chemistry Week!

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